17 de septiembre de 2012

"The Past, Present and Future of Javascript" by Axel Rauschmayern; O’Reilly Media

Summary: If you want to know the origins and future of the Javascript language, you should read it.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayern is a consultant and trainer for Javascript, web technologies, and information management. In this report, he examines the Javascript programming language from three different angles: The Past, The Present and The Future.

I liked the approach took by the author in order to review the current status of Javascript. In particular, i think The Future part is the best part of the article. It is well documented and includes description of new features which Ecma's TC39 (Technical Commitee 39) is designing for upcoming versions of this popular programming language. The Past part gives you an overview of Javascript origins and describes relevant milestones of it.

On the other side, The Present part seems incomplete or unfinished to me,  because it lacks a revision of current Javascript frameworks used for developing web applications such as Sencha ExtJS, Backbone.js, batman.js, knockout or Meteor.

O’Reilly: The Past, Present and Future of Javascript.

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